

side-page-left.pngWe aim to provide clients the road map in achieving performance excellence, improve productivity, reduce cost and increase profit to the organizations. We offers multiple Training Programs for both Corporate and government agencies through training coaching or business collaboration.

We provide a training platform for our client to increase productivity, motivation and create an opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge.


Modules List

1. Entrepreneurship Development Program

2. Digital Branding & Marketing

3. Retail Management

4. Supply Chain Management

5. Costing and Pricing Strategy

6. Business Model Canvas

7. Marketing Strategy

8. Digital Marketing: Master TikTok Shop

9. Strategi Pemasaran ke Pasaraya

  • Business Model
  • Costing & Budgeting
  • Presentation & Pitching Techniques
  • Negotiation Techniques

10. Perancangan Strategi Model Perniagaan 

  • Business Model Canvas 
  • Marketing Strategy
  • ⁠Business Plan

11. Strategi Tawan Hati Pelabur 

  • Pitching 
  • ⁠Presentation Techniques
  • ⁠Funding Access

12. Product Development

13. Licensing & Franchising

*Notes: The list of courses will be updated from time to time.

Trainer & Mentor


Registered Consultant
Certified Trainer
Industry Trainer

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